Monday, February 20

3.25 months old

It's that time again - time to post more pictures!  What a fun stage they are at.  Samuel is quickly outgrowing his 3 month clothes as Hazel transitions from her newborn clothes.  They are both sleeping through the night and we've settled into a nice routine that even allows Mommy to sleep after working her night shifts twice a week.  But the best part of this age is when they smile!  And sometimes they even talk.  Okay, so they're not speaking in full sentences yet, but they sure know how to coo!  They are so much fun!

This is how to feed two at once

Sleeping on Mommy

"I love Binky Dog"

Someone's not too happy

Much happier.  All they need are their pacifiers, the swing, and each other.

Big pink bow dress

"Look how long I'm getting"

Tummy time with Dadda

Hanging out in the rainforest

First smile on camera

"I think I'm getting too big for this boppy"
What are they staring so intently at?

Flying monkeys!

"Will you be my valentine?"

"Daddy sez I'm a redneck baby cuz I wear them overalls"

"I can smile!"

So cute!

Hazel can smile too!

And laugh!

"Mom, Sam's trying to eat me!"

"He's not bothering me anymore"

Two cute babies with their cute cousin Addi

"I look like a girl"

Cutest girl on the block